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LightWave 3DŽ 2020 č stato rilasciato ed č disponibile nel sistema di Registrazione! (Demo)

LightWave 3DŽ 2020 is available now in the Registration system.

LightWave 2020Ž

Like it or not we live in interesting times. They are times of danger and uncertainty; but they are also more open to the creative energy of men than any other time in history.
-Robert Kennedy, Cape Town, June 1966

Dear LightWaver,
We hope this message finds you safe, well and appropriately “sheltered in place.” The quote above could not be truer these days, but when we think of creative energy, the LightWave community is the first to come to mind.
We always believed it would be individuals who would change the world of content creation, you proved us right. For years you worked fiercely independently, changing the entire visual effects industry from your bedrooms, basements or somewhere in between. You created new worlds, built your brand (and others) delivered unprecedented creative content that won Emmy’s, shattered expectations and redefined the 3D landscape forever. NewTek is proud to be a part of that journey, providing the software that allows you to realize your vision—a complete all-in-one solution for modeling, animation and rendering.
LightWave 2020 brings a wide array of improvement across the software. We have a complete list on the website. Additionally, through May 31st, we’ll make the software upgrade available to everyone for $495 USD, regardless of the version of LightWave you are currently using.
You all mastered the art of working from home, before it was a “thing,” pick up your LightWave and get to work, we need your creative energy right now.
Wishing you all the best. Be safe and stay healthy.
The LightWave Team

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International pricing may vary.
Educational pricing is also available. Visit to purchase or to locate an authorized LightWave reseller.
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